Transistor scaling refers to the ongoing trend in semiconductor technology where manufacturers strive to reduce the size of individual transistors on integrated circuits, thereby increasing the overall transistor density and improving the performance of electronic devices. This phenomenon is a fundamental aspect of Moore's Law, which predicts that the number of transistors on a microchip will double approximately every two years, leading to a significant increase in computing power. As technology evolves, the semiconductor industry has consistently pushed the limits of miniaturization, allowing for more transistors to be packed into the same physical space. The process involves shrinking the dimensions of individual transistors and the interconnections between them, typically measured in nanometers. This constant downsizing has numerous benefits, such as enhanced speed, reduced power consumption, and improved cost efficiency. However, transistor scaling also poses formidable challenges, including increased heat generation, quantum tunneling effects, and manufacturing complexities. The race to achieve smaller transistor sizes and maintain the pace of Moore's Law has led to the development of cutting-edge technologies, such as 3D transistors and new materials, to overcome these challenges and sustain the rapid progress of the semiconductor industry. As we delve deeper into the realm of nanotechnology, the implications of transistor scaling extend beyond just computational improvements, influencing diverse fields such as artificial intelligence, telecommunications, and the Internet of Things, shaping the landscape of modern technology in profound ways.
Title : Recent advances in nanomedicine: Sensors, implants, artificial intelligence, saving the environment, human studies, and more
Thomas J Webster, Hebei University of Technology, China
Title : Harnessing the unique transport properties of InAs nanowires for single molecule level sensing
Harry E Ruda, University of Toronto, Canada
Title : Photonic metasurfaces in azobenzene materials
Ribal Georges Sabat, Royal Military College of Canada, Canada
Title : Using CuO polycrystalline nanofilms as sensor for small organic molecules
Paulo Cesar De Morais, Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil
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Maria Cecilia Colautti, Defense University of Republic of Argentina, Argentina
Title : Surface-enhanced stimulated Raman spectroscopy with squeezed photonic states
Frank Hagelberg, East Tennessee State University, United States