Nanoscale genomics is an emerging field in the life sciences that has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of life. Nanoscale genomics focuses on the study of the smallest components of genomic material, including DNA, proteins, and other molecules. This field of study uses nanoscale tools and techniques to analyze and manipulate these components. The primary goal of nanoscale genomics is to uncover the fundamental processes that control gene expression and cellular function. By examining the structure, function, and interactions of individual molecules, researchers can gain insights into gene expression and cellular processes on a much smaller scale than ever before. This enables researchers to study the relationship between the environment and genetic makeup of organisms, leading to a better understanding of disease processes. Nanoscale genomics techniques allow researchers to measure and analyze the activity of molecules in single cells, providing a much more detailed view of cellular behavior and gene expression than traditional methods. These techniques also enable researchers to study the effects of environmental factors, such as toxins, on gene expression and cellular function. Nanoscale genomics is an exciting and rapidly advancing field with the potential to revolutionize our understanding of life. By providing a detailed view of molecular functions and gene expression, nanoscale genomics can provide new insights into disease processes and drug development. As the field continues to develop, the potential applications of nanoscale genomics will become increasingly important to the life sciences.
Title : Recent advances in nanomedicine: Sensors, implants, artificial intelligence, saving the environment, human studies, and more
Thomas J Webster, Hebei University of Technology, China
Title : Harnessing the unique transport properties of InAs nanowires for single molecule level sensing
Harry E Ruda, University of Toronto, Canada
Title : Photonic metasurfaces in azobenzene materials
Ribal Georges Sabat, Royal Military College of Canada, Canada
Title : Using CuO polycrystalline nanofilms as sensor for small organic molecules
Paulo Cesar De Morais, Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil
Title : Microplastics and nanoplastics in Antartica. Consideration their impact on ecosystems and human and fauna health
Maria Cecilia Colautti, Defense University of Republic of Argentina, Argentina
Title : Surface-enhanced stimulated Raman spectroscopy with squeezed photonic states
Frank Hagelberg, East Tennessee State University, United States