Nano acousto-electronics is a relatively new field of nanotechnology which uses ultrasonic waves to interact with nanoscale objects. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with and control nanoscale objects. Nanoscale objects are so small that traditional electrical or mechanical methods of manipulation are either ineffective or impractical. Nano acousto-electronics uses ultrasonic waves, which are sound waves at frequencies that are too high for humans to hear, to interact with nanostructures. The high-frequency sound waves interact with the nanostructures in a way that causes them to move, vibrate, or even change shape. This provides scientists with the ability to manipulate nanoscale objects in a way that was not previously possible. Nano acousto-electronics can be used to manipulate nanostructures in a variety of ways, such as controlling their shape, size, and position. This technology can also be used to detect and measure the properties of nanoscale objects, such as their electrical and mechanical properties. Additionally, nano acousto-electronics can be used to construct nanoscale devices, such as nanoscale transistors or other electronic components.
Title : Recent advances in nanomedicine: Sensors, implants, artificial intelligence, saving the environment, human studies, and more
Thomas J Webster, Hebei University of Technology, China
Title : Harnessing the unique transport properties of InAs nanowires for single molecule level sensing
Harry E Ruda, University of Toronto, Canada
Title : Photonic metasurfaces in azobenzene materials
Ribal Georges Sabat, Royal Military College of Canada, Canada
Title : Using CuO polycrystalline nanofilms as sensor for small organic molecules
Paulo Cesar De Morais, Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil
Title : Microplastics and nanoplastics in Antartica. Consideration their impact on ecosystems and human and fauna health
Maria Cecilia Colautti, Defense University of Republic of Argentina, Argentina
Title : Surface-enhanced stimulated Raman spectroscopy with squeezed photonic states
Frank Hagelberg, East Tennessee State University, United States