Carbon nanotube nanocomposites (CNTs) are materials composed of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) dispersed in a matrix material, forming a composite material with unique properties. CNTs are an important class of Nanobiotechnology, due to their superior mechanical, electrical, optical, and thermal properties. CNTs have a high aspect ratio, which means that they can span large distances with minimal cross-sectional area. This makes them ideal for use in nanocomposites, as they can be embedded in a matrix material, providing improved properties for the overall material. CNTs have a relatively high electrical and thermal conductivity, meaning that they can be used to improve the thermal and electrical properties of a nanocomposite. The electrical conductivity of a CNT-containing material can be significantly higher than that of the matrix material, resulting in improved electrical properties. CNTs can also be used to improve the thermal properties of a nanocomposite, due to their high thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity of a CNT-containing material can be significantly higher than that of the matrix material, resulting in improved thermal properties. CNTs can also be used to improve the strength and stiffness of a nanocomposite. CNTs have a high tensile strength and stiffness, meaning that they can be used to reinforce the matrix material, resulting in a nanocomposite with improved strength and stiffness.
Title : Recent advances in nanomedicine: Sensors, implants, artificial intelligence, saving the environment, human studies, and more
Thomas J Webster, Hebei University of Technology, China
Title : Harnessing the unique transport properties of InAs nanowires for single molecule level sensing
Harry E Ruda, University of Toronto, Canada
Title : Photonic metasurfaces in azobenzene materials
Ribal Georges Sabat, Royal Military College of Canada, Canada
Title : Using CuO polycrystalline nanofilms as sensor for small organic molecules
Paulo Cesar De Morais, Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil
Title : Microplastics and nanoplastics in Antartica. Consideration their impact on ecosystems and human and fauna health
Maria Cecilia Colautti, Defense University of Republic of Argentina, Argentina
Title : Surface-enhanced stimulated Raman spectroscopy with squeezed photonic states
Frank Hagelberg, East Tennessee State University, United States