Title : Producing nanomaterials by jet grinding with acoustic process control
The properties of powders for many industries greatly depend on their dispersion and the absence of impurities. Jet grinding of bulk materials, being a complex energy-intensive process, allows obtaining high-quality fine powders without any impurities from grinding media. This is important for getting new materials for radio electronics, medicine, and the food industry. The novelty of the proposed methods and technologies consists in the highly dynamic particle disintegration during the complex and thermal effects of flows. This allows achieving high thermomechanical activation effects with a significant increase in the product quality based on different nano-powders obtained from waste production of metallurgical and concentration plants. Waste recycling can increase the degree of raw material utilization, improve the ecology of the environment, expand the mining and metallurgical enterprise infrastructure by converting waste into materials for construction and obtaining concentrates from difficult enriching products.
To increase mill productivity, the grinding process is maintained in an optimal mode based on the use of new information technologies, in particular, according to the results of process acoustic monitoring. A technique based on the connections between the material dispersion and the acoustic signals of the grinding and classification zone is developed to control operation modes and the size of the ready product in the stream. This allows you to determine the quality of the ready ground product on-time without stopping the grinding process.