Dr. Carla Cisternas Novoa, is a Biotechnologist (2012) Doctor in Science of Natural Resources from Universidad de La Frontera (2022). Dr. Cisternas has centered her scientific interest on studies on the mechanisms associated with the synthesis of nanoparticles and its antibacterial activity in several applications. Nowadays, she belongs to the research of the “Center of Investigation in Environmental Biotechnology”, executing her second year as a Postdoctoral researcher supervised by Dr. Cristina Diez Jerez. On the other side, Dr. Cisternas has actively collaborated in FONDECYT Projects, worked as Professor assistant and participating in many worldwide conferences and actively publishing research articles as first and co-author.
Title : Enhanced durability of antimicrobial activity in cotton textiles by L-Cysteine-Capped Copper Nanoparticles through laundering cycles